Elevate your digital marketing strategy with our comprehensive guide on mastering the art of landing page design. Learn proven techniques to enhance user experience and boost conversion rates. Partner with us for expert insights on creating high-performing landing pages.
How a Landing page is made
A landing page is the page that is intended to convert traffic into subscribers. The landing page is also called squeeze page or lead capture page. This page should be designed in close relationship with your advertising text (mailing, text ad, banner ad, blog article). When someone click your advertisement they are send to your landing page. The visitor needs to find the way that will lead him to the answers he is looking for.
The first thing they see is your title. This title should at least contain the text of your advertisement so they recognize the subject they want to see. It is the only way they would read more on your page.
The next element they will read is the subtitle. This text should emphasize they will get a solution to their questions when they take action. Tell them clearly what they have to expect if they take the action.
The next element is very important. It is the call-to-action. You need to tell them what they should do.
For example:
„Put your email address in the form below and click the button“.
After this step your attention have to go to the button text. In the old days a simple submit would do the work. However if your button text would be “Give Me Access“ or “I Want To Learn More“ will give them more reason the click
Under the button is the place to tell them they are safe to go on. This goes something like:
“we hate spam as must as you done, we will respect your privacy, you can unsubscribe at any time, no question asked.“
This includes the bear minimum of a well converting landing page.
In fact there are many variations on this same layout. It depend on how big the value is you are presenting they them. If the value is higher you need to explain more. If you are giving a free report or gift, there is probably less to say.
Lets give you some examples:
The simple lead capture page
This page is made to the ultimate minimum. It has a title and call to action, followed with a not to misunderstand button text.
This page can work very well, it is ment to feed the curiosity.
If you are just starting off, this is not the best solution unless you are very sure about what you are offering.
Lead capture page with background
Sometimes a background images can emphasize the title with a hidden promise. Not always the best way to go, but if the content send after subscribe is worth it, why not. Notice everything is keept simple.
Landing page with bullet points
Perhaps you like to give more info to make the action more wanted you can include bullets whit the most important benefits for subscribing. It Depends on the solution you are offering.
If the value is high, you want subscriber who are dedicated to go your way. Remember your advertising need to be according what you put in your landing page. If don well, this kind of landing page will work great.
This brings us to the next type of landing page.
Long tail landing page
A long-tail landing page will give the visitor as must information to make subscribing as simple as possible. All is based on building trust, presenting yourself at he beginning, where you state why you are are giving best possible, can make a big difference. You put yourself in the place of the reader and give the promise to give the best solution for the problem to be solved.
Some marketers see this as old school and not effective. You can be sure you this kind of pages still work and do sometimes a better job than the now a day solutions that convert like hell, but have a very high unsubscribe rate.
But what if?
Video squeeze pages
What if you are not that prime with writing?
No worry, why not put some effort in video creation. Perhaps you are better in talking about.
A video page is a great way to express yourself. You can make a short presentation or just go in front of the camera and tell flat out your storie. With now aday technology it is no
longer a big item to make a video that tells just what it need.
If you make this choose, keep it short. A video round 2 minutes is all it takes.
There are many solutions for the same task. Yes, there is a difference between the presented possibilities. It is up to you to make your chose, I don’t know what you try to promote. If your chose doesn’t work, try a other solution. All comes down on trial and error. If some way doesn’t work out after 2000 visitors, make a change. Alter your text, use an other background image, give more explanation or make a video. It is all up to you.